Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013


The purpose of this manual is to guide USAID rule of law (ROL) officers in designing and implementing initiatives that support the development or improvement of court management information systems. These initiatives can be critical components of ROL strategies to promote democracy. Without reliable data, courts cannot deliver timely justice, control or monitor their own operations, or explain their operations to citizens. The lack of information on court operations makes citizens suspicious about the fairness, transparency, and integrity of the rule of law. Closed, secretive justice systems create the perception¾and often the reality of favoritism, malfeasance, and denial of basic rights. Thus, the introduction of high-quality court management information systems affects not only efficiency, but also effectiveness. It can have a significant impact on central ROL issues, such as human rights, access to justice, transparency, and development of democratic institutions and society.

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